Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Since about 7 months old, Roman has started to have an attachment to this blanket that his Nana made him and the attachment has grown over the months so that he now drags it with him every where! Trying to wash it is a chore since it is hard to sneak it into the washer without him knowing. But my oh my, with as much as it gets dragged around, it gets stinky fast!!

He takes it with him to feed the cats. Jack is the only cat that will stick around when he sees Roman coming. So tolerant of him.

Down the hall with all arms full- careful not to let go of his blanket.

Even learning how to navigate up the stairs with his blanket in tow.

"Thank you Nana for my blanket. When I miss my mommy and daddy or when I hurt myself, it makes me feel so much better. Nothing quite comforts me like my yellow blanket."

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