Tuesday, December 4, 2007

a SURPRISE Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, We decided to stay here in Charlotte and attempt to cook our own Turkey together with all the fixin's. Matt did an outstanding job of planning the entire menu and we spent most of the day cooking. Even though I was enjoying our time together and the time we had to relax together, I was missing our friends and family.

The SURPRISE came when my friend Katie flew up from Florida to surprise me for the Thanksgiving weekend. It was an amazing time. We had a lot of good laughs and no trip would be complete without at least one hike up a mountain.

Saturday after our hike, we cut down a Christmas tree at Penland Tree Farm in York, South Carolina. It wasn't very eventful since we arrived after hours, had to beg to get in, ran out into the field in the dark and cut down one of the first trees we saw, strapped it to the top of my car, and hurried home. You could tell we picked the tree in the dark b/c it looks more like a diamond than a triangle- but we love it just the same and it smells up the home wonderfully. Katie and I spent the rest of the weekend decorating it.

Below our pictures of our weekend!

My little helper who wasn't such a help. The threats of electrocution weren't making it through to her.

And the not so finished Christmas tree...I have since finished putting up the ornaments.
More pictures hopefully to come of Matt and I and the wishbone from the Turkey...


firecracker said...

Ok - the way this works is I look at your blog, make a comment, and then you do that too! Love the tree - ours goes up tomorrow night! The Momma

Anonymous said...

Does Matt have hair now??? I mean... I have never seen Matt any other way but with a High and tight!

Looks like a great place. Warm it up some, and I will come visit! :)

Anonymous said...

Your little helper looks similar to my little helper. Except mine takes the decorations off my tree and hides them in the closet. I found 2 more today :p

Matt said...

J - I totally have hair, wild, uncontrollable hair and I am loving it. I think I am in the rebellious phase, sooner or later I will go back to high and tight I bet :-)

Anonymous said...

Whatever brother...you know you like being a hippie. Next thing you know, you won't shave your arm pits either! :P

Matt said...

oh too funny - well at least ONE of us does! What are you German?

Anonymous said...

Sprichst du Deutsches? Duh!

Matt said...

Ooohhh SNAP!