Saturday, December 5, 2009

Roman- 2 months

December 6th marks Roman as 2 months old. As the big boy that he is, he rolled over today for the first time. The pictures below are right before that happened. he doesn't enjoy tummy time but has gotten stronger. The more upset he gets, the more determined he is to make it to his back and today he was successful multiple times.

These type of pictures with him doing facial expressions on my lap seem to be my signature photo op but so hard to resist.

The picture below: Roman concentrating on filling his diaper which he successfully accomplished shortly after.

Notice the stick on the floor in the background...yes, Maggie's mark! She was pulling the kindling from the wood pile in attempts to entertain herself.

Kinda love his big diaper bum.


firecracker said...

He has even changed in one week - he is looking more like Matt I think - what a sweetheart! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

I love the pajamas. He's got the "jail house rock" look going on and only Roman could make it work so well. He's so cute! So happy for you both!

Unknown said...

Lol! I love the big diaper butt! That's how I used to sleep, too. He's getting so big and more handsome!!