Sunday, February 7, 2010

Roman- 4 months and other photos

Roman is discovering his hands and how to put things in his mouth. He has been chewing on everything he can find displaying his first signs of teething- but anticipate we won't see teeth for awhile.

Maggie tries to put on her cuddly side in order to win some popcorn. She runs to the kitchen when she hears it popping in the microwave. She is definitely only a friend when their are perks (food) involved.

Abby thinks she owns the house and makes her mark by beating the other cats away from the food, water and bed. And here she is taking over Maggie's bed...trying to conquer the whole household- on bed at a time.

1 comment:

The Moore Family said...

Audrey~He is so darn cute! I really want to meet him. Love the updates.